It’s not you, it’s me… when a declared student becomes exploring
Presenters: Jenni Kotowski & Amanda Cox
NCSA 1040
10:45 – 11:35 AM
Description: Have you had a student in your major decide that they would like to explore other majors? Have you had a student in your major who isn’t sure the major is the right fit because they aren’t sure what career a major leads to? Do you struggle to help an exploring student with the appropriate resources to aid in the exploration process? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this is the session for you! This interactive session is designed to help advisors learn practical tools and helpful soundbites to assist a student with major and career exploration resources.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will leave with practical activities that can be done with students • learn a variety of major exploration resources available to students • learn a variety of career exploration resources available to students • be provided with an overview of the career choice model and how students make decisions Program outline: I. Introductions II. Major Exploration Resources III. Interest/Ability Activity IV. Career Exploration Resources V. Interest Explorer/O*Net Activity VI. Career Choice Decision Making Model VII. Helping students create an exploration Action Plan VIII. Questions.