2014 Annual Conference: Nuts About Advising
Friday, December 12th
Registration Closed
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
1205 W. Clark St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Metered parking is available in the parking garage just north of NCSA, on Clark Street, and on other surrounding streets. Rates are $1.00/hour, and all meters accept quarters, dimes, nickels and dollar coins. While you can park all day in the garage, street parking is generally limited to two hours. There is no attendant in the parking garage, but you do have the option to pay for metered parking by credit card by calling 1-866-234-PARK (7275); the garage is location 4801. For more information, go to paybyphone.com.
$5 IlliAAC Members
$15 Non-IlliAAC Members (includes membership and conference fee)
Breakfast: Assortment of bagels, cream cheese, and pastries
Coffee, juice, and water
Lunch: Pasta (meat and vegetarian options), bread, salad, desserts; water
*Please include any dietary restrictions when filling out the conference registration form in the area provided
Conference Schedule:
8:30am-9:30am Registration and Breakfast (Lobby/Atrium)
9:15-9:30am Welcome by NCSA Leadership (Room 1122)
9:30am-10:am Keynote Speaker – Kathy Martensen (Room 1122)
10:15am-11:00am Breakout Session 1 (Room 1122 and 1040)
–Tailoring Study Abroad to fit your Department and your Students
–Advising About Schooling After College
11:05am-11:50am Breakout Session 2 (Room 1122 and 1040)
—The Community Learning Lab – Providing Hands-on Educational Experiences for Students Across All Disciplines
–Virtual Advising for Summer Registration, the Good, the Bad, and the Necessary
12pm-12:30pm Lunch (Lobby/Atrium)
12:30pm-1:20pm ILACADA discussion panel (Room 1122)
1:25pm-2:10pm Breakout Session 3 (Room 1122 and 1040)
—Changing the Conversation: Innovating Career Development Programs Serving International Students
—The Nuts and Bolts Behind Health Professions Advising
2:15pm-3:00pm Breakout Session 4 (Room 1122 and 1040)
—Using the Power of Habit to Transform your Advising
–strong>Who are these Parkland Pathway to Illinois Students?
3:05pm-3:50pm Breakout Session 5 (Room 1122 and 1040)
–Just a Squirrel in this Crazy Advising World Trying to Collect Acorns Efficiently: The Tips and Tricks, to Help Make the Busy Advisor More Effective
–Do Orientation Course Grades Predict Future Academic Performance?
3:55pm-4:15pm Closing (Room 1122)
4:30pm Networking at Fat City (***New location***)
Keynote Speaker:
“UIUC in a Nutshell”
Kathy Martensen, Assistant Provost for Educational Programs
Conference Sessions:
–Tailoring Study Abroad to fit your Department and your Students (Breakout Session 1)
–Advising About Schooling After College (Breakout Session 1)
–The Community Learning Lab- Providing Hands-on Education Experiences for Students Across All Disciplines (Breakout Session 2)
–Virtual Advising for Summer Registration, the Good, the Bad, and the Necessary (Breakout Session 2)
–Changing the Conversation: Innovating Career Development Programs Serving International Students (Breakout Session 3)
–The Nuts and Bolts Behind Health Professions Advising (Breakout Session 3)
–Using the Power of Habit to Transform your Advising (Breakout Session 4)
–Who are these Parkland Pathway to Illinois Students? (Breakout Session 4)
–Just a Squirrel in this Crazy Advising World Trying to Collect Acorns Efficiently: The Tips and Tricks, to Help Make the Busy Advisor More Effective (Breakout Session 5)
–Do Orientation Course Grades Predict Future Academic Performance? (Breakout Session 5)
–ILACADA Professional Development Opportunities
We have excellent prizes to giveaway this year, including fitbits, spa treatment, gift certificates, and many other items! You must check into registration to be entered into the giveaways, and we will spread the raffles throughout the conference. There will be additional drawings at the networking event after, and you must be present there to win.
If you have items to giveaway or be included in the registration bags, please contact Elaina (ebielser@illinois.edu) or Ning (hching@illinois.edu)
Photo Booth:
New this year! We will have a conference backdrop and fun items to dress-up in to have your picture taken. Look for this near the registration table!
We will have conference t-shirts again this year! They are dark gray with orange print and include the conference logo for this year. We will make announcements during the conference or you may contact Elaina for more information (ebielser@illinois.edu).
Conference Planning Committee (IlliAAC Professional Development):
Melissa Newell (co-chair) menewell@illinois.edu
Kaitlin Kaste (co-chair) kmkaste@illinois.edu
Ning Ching Zulauf hching@illinois.edu
Karin Readel kereadel@illinois.edu
Elaina Kutz ebielser@illinois.edu
Stefanie Flores-Freeman smflores@illinois.edu
Katie Clark keclark@illinois.edu
Any questions may be directed to the Conference Planning Committee.
After the Conference:
We will send out a short survey to get your thoughts on the conference and also ask for you to nominate the best conference session from this year. IlliAAC will sponsor that session to present at the ILACADA Conference.