When: Thursday, August 13th
When: 3:00-4:30 p.m.
Where: Bevier Commons, Bevier Hall 249
Refreshments and snacks provided!
Come meet the Executive board, fellow advisors, and administration; new advisors may pick-up an advising packet! IlliAAC Membership forms will be available (also attached to this email)- annual dues are $15 (cash, checks, and JV accepted). Membership includes the registration fee for the annual conference and numerous events throughout the year (Snack Bytes, trainings, meetings, etc.).
For materials purposes, please RSVP by August 10th (even if you are not able to attend the event): http://go.illinois.edu/IlliAACMeetandGreet2015
If you are unable to attend, the welcoming team would love to come to your office space to meet you (contact Stefanie Flores-Freeman to set-up a time: smflores@illinois.edu) or introduce yourself at other upcoming IlliAAC events! IlliAAC will send out information soon regarding upcoming meetings and other exciting efforts.